This is the pre-alpha, prototype, test version, demo for a game I have been working on for the past few weeks.

I plan for the final version of the game to be a metroidvania in which you play as a young boy and traverse the various biomes making up the rooms of a large mansion, eventually managing to defeat the monster who is keeping you there and escaping.

Of course, very little of that has yet been added. In this demo, you can attain and try out some of the player's platforming abilities, including the Dash, Wall Jump, and Double Jump, in a test area I have constructed to give you a basic feel for the game. In the final game, however, it will be a much more lengthy process to gain these abilities. Combat has also not yet been added, but it is planned for the future.

Everything is in a very rough state at the moment, (I've barely even added any animations or sound yet,) and glitches are very likely to occur. Any feedback you can give as to how I might improve the feel of the game would be much appreciated. (Everyone who gives useful feedback will be listed in the final game's credits as "Alpha Testers.")

I plan to turn this into a full game in the future, but I suppose we'll see if that ever actually comes to fruition.

(Note: I just discovered an oversight that allows the player to reach the end of the level without unlocking the dash ability. Whoops.)


Mittlehome Prototype Demo - Mac 40 MB
Mittlehome Prototype Demo - Windows 30 MB

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